PKM - Personal Knowledge Management

Looks like nothing really works for me. Notes are still scattered around services, but the main hub is Obsidian and a vault in Dropbox, synced to my iPhone with Syncthing, because... that's how it is.


Here are some systems that don't work for me, because I'm too busy reordering my notes and do all the meta work. Eventually I'll develop my own system and I promise, I wont bother anyone with a write-up why this is the best thing ever... #WIP

Pillars, Pipelines and Vaults (PPV), August Bradley

  • Pillars are the elements that sustain and define our life, the areas that are important for us to work towards our “north star”. We represent those to make it explicit and to connect and drive all other parts of the system to develop our Pillars. If we are working on something that is not contributing to a Pillar, most likely, it is not relevant for us (or we need to make a new Pillar explicit).
  • Pipelines define the systems that connect all the necessary elements to develop our Pillars. They consist of higher level “Value Goals”, which represent aspirational things we want to build on our Pillars (think: make my blog a reference on modern software architecture approaches). We define these yearly and review them quarterly. They help sharpen the “direction” for our developments. To make them more actionable, we define “Goal Outcomes, “ which are similar to OKRs). Here we describe clear and measurable outcomes (think: Write two articles per month on my blog). “Goal Outcomes” are reviewed regularly, in general, quarterly & monthly, to make sure we are progressing and still working on the most important things. To accomplish the “Goal Outcomes”, we create “Projects” (think: write an article about agile architecture). These define the iterations we will make to move things forward and achieve the desired outcomes. Projects are reviewed Weekly to ensure we advance and work on the right things. Within Projects, we have “Actions” (or Tasks), which are concrete steps we will work on daily to execute and reach our ambitions. On a day-to-day basis, we focus on getting tasks done (which should emerge on our to-do list due to our regular reviews and prioritization).
  • Vaults are places where we collect information and consolidate knowledge, which will support us in executing our ambitions.


  • Projects Things you’re actively working on right now 
  • Areas Roles and responsibilities you’re managing over time
  • Resources Topics you’re interested in that could be useful in the future
  • Archives Completed or inactive items from the other three categories