GIS, Geolocation
Links to location related stuff.
Discover a random spot around you.
Instagram for travel - Startup. Not bad, but too stylish. Nice to bookmark some places.
Offline maps that was good once.
PWA to plan tours. A bit slow and weird UX, but it's all possible in the browser!
- sshuair/awesome-gis: Awesome GIS is for collecting the GIS related sources, including cartographer tools, geoanalysis tools, developing tools, data, conference & communities, news, MOOC's course, some amazing map site, etc.
- User:Grin/bookmarks - OpenStreetMap Wiki
- Top 19 geovisualization tools, APIs and libraries that will let you create beautiful web maps - Geoawesomeness
POIs, Hikingtrails
- • Europe's largest outdoor platform 💲
- Komoot Discover | Routes and Must-Sees Where You Are
- AllTrails - Outdoor Guides | Hiking, Camping, Trail Running, Dog Friendly Trails 🇺🇸 💲
- Toursprung Maptoolkit - Toursprung 💲
- Walking Routes - OpenStreetMap Wiki ?!
- Foursquare API for Business and City 💲
- melitele/byways: Content of the closed
🇺🇸 💡 - Oddities - A Category - groundspeak/ related
- Waymarking Mobile
- Triposo - API using Voyage Wiki and other Free Data
- GeoNames Database with POI, Wikipedia Data etc. 💡
- WIWOSM - OpenStreetMap Wiki
- - 🎈 Public Lab: Does anyone know someone at who can enable CORS for images of Harvey pollution? -
- Demo GeoNetwork server - GeoCat B.V.
- Chicago City Guide | CitySeeker just big cities, nothing special
- World-wide Ancient Site Database, Photos and Prehistoric Archaeology News with geolocation : The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map: - use from wikipedia instead
- Großsteingräber und Megalithbauwerke - Startseite interesting but not open (c)
Travelplaner and Portals
- Destination Insights with Google
- Mapify - Instagram like travel stories (2021-04-12 Future unclear)
- Tripline travel stories, straight forward
- Historypin - Connecting communities with local history - Historypin is a place for people to share photos and stories, telling the histories of their local communities.
Mapping Services
- API - good Service, static maps
- OpenStreetMap 💡
- [Bing]
- Google My Maps 💲
- Apple Maps on the Web - Maps- Apple Developer 💲
- Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps
- Turf.js | Advanced geospatial analysis
- thephpleague/geotools: Geo-related tools PHP 5.4+ library built atop Geocoder and React libraries
- anthonymartin/GeoLocation.php: Retrieve bounding coordinates and distances with GeoLocation.php - calc bounding box
- bjorn2404/jQuery-Store-Locator-Plugin: A store locator plugin using Google Maps API version 3
- kobesin/GeoConvert: Converting between Geojson and GIS file formats
Leaflet Plugins
- wbkd/leaflet-swoopy: Swoopy Arrow Plugin for Leaflet
- epicbit/leaflet-data-markers: Extends L.divIcon to add data attributes.
- makinacorpus/Leaflet.Snap: Enables snapping of draggable markers to polylines and other layers
- maximeh/leaflet.bouncemarker: A plugin for Leaflet to have a bounce animation when adding a Marker to a map
- ewoken/Leaflet.MovingMarker: A Leaflet plug-in to create moving marker
- stefanocudini/leaflet-layerJSON: Build dynamic JSON Layer via Ajax/JSONP with caching
💬 offers quick results. Caching is quite simple. - labs is created by Stefano Cudini to demonstrate and test his own projects and works.
- Turbo87/leaflet-sidebar: A responsive sidebar for Leaflet maps
- allartk/leaflet.offline: Leaflet offline layer
- A Modern Leaflet Toolbar
API, Data
- Overpass API - query detailed location data like bars, churches etc.
- Overpass API - OpenStreetMap Wiki / API by Example
- overpass turbo - create queries for Overpass API
- OpenStreetMap Nominatim: Search - OSM Geocoding
- Photon, search-as-you-type with OpenStreetMap - OSM Geocoding
- AirMap Developers - Drones and Airtraffic Data (AirMap API | ProgrammableWeb)
- - Neighborhood API (whats around right now?)
- GDELT GEO 2.0 API Debuts! - GDELT Blog - Map Search Queries for news or other topics
- Waymarked Trails - Hiking
- POIplaza | Free Points of Interests (POI) for iGO, Garmin, Sygic, TomTom and other popular navigation systems.
- POI Factory | GPS and other interesting topics
- Google My Maps
- Historic Place 💡
- HistOSM 2
- Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Anwendungen – Wikipedia
- Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Georeferenzierung/Hauptseite/Wikipedia-World/en – Wikipedia
- fast access of GeoJSON data for web mapping examples and experiments.
- Geofabrik Tools Map compare, debugging, overlay
- GeoHash Area Check Tool
- tomscholz/geojson-editor: A modified version of Googles Simple GeoJSON Editor
- Leaflet-based Geojson Editor
- OSM TagFinder
- OpenStreetBrowser - Max Speed Roads
- KeplerJs is a open source geosocial solution that lets users share favorite places and join discussions in real-time. It can be seen as a platform where users can interact with other open data platforms OpenStreetMap among other sources.
- MapPost Bookmark websites with location data. Available as as web app and for mobile.
Geohashes, Open Location Codes
- Geohash Intro
- Using geohash for proximity searches?
- php - Group coordinates by proximity to each other - Stack Overflow
- Geohashes and You – postzen
- nowelium/geohash-mysql-func: geohash function for mysql
- Native MySQL function
Open Location Codes are a new open address format by google that solves a few problems described here: Evaluation of Location Encoding Systems · google/open-location-code Wiki
- salavert/open-location-code: PHP port of Open Location Codes, a short code generator that can be used like street addresses, for places where street addresses don't exist
- google/open-location-code: Open Location Code is a library to generate short codes that can be used like street addresses, for places where street addresses don't exist. python, javascript, ruby etc.
Markers, Icons
- Leaflet formula: Counting markers within a radius | Chris Essig jquery, leaflet
- Animating Leaflet Markers (the hacky way)
- Data URI SVG icons with Leaflet
- Leaflet custom icon resize on zoom. Performance icon vs divicon - Stack Overflow
is faster thanL.icon
- Loading 100-200K markers on google map - Stack Overflow
💬 Precompute clusters, wider bounding box -javascript - LeafletJS best approach to object oriented - Stack Overflow
Other Tutorials
- enjalot/wwsd: working with spatial data - workshop materials
- ❗ Map Effects 100 beautiful map effects
Accuracy and Precesion
Decimal Places | Aprox. Distance | Say What? |
1 | 10 kilometers | 6.2 miles |
2 | 1 kilometer | 0.62 miles |
3 | 100 meters | About 328 feet |
4 | 10 meters | About 33 feet |
5 | 1 meter | About 3 feet |
6 | 10 centimeters | About 4 inches |
7 | 1.0 centimeter | About 1/2 an inch |
8 | 1.0 millimeter | The width of paperclip wire. |
9 | 0.1 millimeter | The width of a strand of hair. |
10 | 10 microns | A speck of pollen. |
11 | 1.0 micron | A piece of cigarette smoke. |
12 | 0.1 micron | You're doing virus-level mapping at this point. |
13 | 10 nanometers | Does it matter how big this is? |
14 | 1.0 nanometer | Your fingernail grows about this far in one second. |
15 | 0.1 nanometer | An atom. An atom! What are you mapping? |