Firebase Auth with PHP and Google Identity Toolkit
When tasked with authentication against a google firebase system I was presented a weird drop-in JavaScript solution, that was useless, since I needed to use php to access Google Cloud Functions.
I ended up on Stack Overflow and got some indirect help,that pushed me into the right direction.
For the record, I will document the solution below.
I have to admit, the complexity of the firebase docs and examples and different services, got me so confused, that I thought, authentication for the web is only possible via JavaScript. That was wrong. At least for my case, where I just login with email and password to retrieve a Json Web Token (JWT), to sign all calls to the Firebase cloud functions. Instead of juggling with weird Ajax requests or set the token cookie via JavaScript, I just needed to call the Firebase Auth REST API
Here is a minimal case using the Fat-Free Framework:
Login form
<form action="/auth" method="post">
<input name="email">
<input name="password">
<input type="submit">
$f3->route('POST /auth', 'App->auth');
class App
function auth()
$email = $this->f3->get('');
$password = $this->f3->get('POST.password');
$apiKey = 'API_KEY'; // see
$auth = new Auth($apiKey);
$result = $auth->login($email,$password);
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
class Auth
protected $apiKey;
public function __construct($apiKey){
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
public function login($email,$password)
$client = new Client();
// Create a POST request using google api
$key = $this->apiKey;
$response = $client->request(
'' . $key,
'headers' => [
'content-type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json'
'body' => json_encode([
'email' => $email,
'password' => $password,
'returnSecureToken' => true
'exceptions' => false
$body = $response->getBody();
$js = json_decode($body);
if (isset($js->error)) {
return [
'success' => false,
'message' => $js->error->message
} else {
return [
'success' => true,
'localId' => $js->localId,
'idToken' => $js->idToken,
'email' => $js->email,
'refreshToken' => $js->refreshToken,
'expiresIn' => $js->expiresIn,