Computer - a beautifully illustrated childrens book from 1972
I found this book on the internet and I really loved the illustrations, so I thought, why not post it here.
The auhor Jane Jonas Srivastava wrote a few other books for children about math and statistics and weights - everything math related. But there is not so much else known about her.
About the Author
Jane Jonas Srivastava has been teaching mathematics since receiving her master's degree in education. She has worked in the University of Illinois Arithmetic Project in Watertown, Massachusetts, and in Simon Fraser University's project to initiate a new primary arithmetic program in local schools.
Mrs. Srivastava now teaches elementary school. Her hubsand[sic!]1 is a professor of biological sciences at Simon Fraser University. They live in North Vancouver, British Columbia.
About the Book
Comparing a computer to a five-ring circus, this book tells what a computer is and how it works. in easy-to-understand language, Jane Jonas Srivastava outlines the basic units which make up, all computers, and explains special computer language like printout, data, program, and FORTRAN.
In COMPUTERS, the young mathematician will learn what a programmer. uses a flowchart for, and howto design a flowchart of his own. One of the flowcharts in the book is for counting from one to ten; the other is for counting giraffes met on the way to school.
This book also tells what sort of tasks people ask computers to do. As the author points out, most times computers are used to do quickly and accurately the same job over" and over again. Unlike humans, they can do this without getting bored and asking, “When's recess?” Most important, the reader learns that computers can do only the things that programmers ask them to do. This is a lighthearted, information-filled book that will fascinate young readers. The delightful illustrations by Ruth and James McCrea are a perfect complement to the text.