Collection 2021-03
A collection of links that I discovered while surfing the www.
As a rule of thumb, you should always opt for the simplest architecture you can responsibly get away with. -- Michael Geers - Which Technique/Architecture is right for my Project?
- Occam's razor "...the simplest explanation is usually the right one" - Rule of thumb in navigating the information space.
- How to make a sustainable website | The Green Room - this is recycled paper for the internet. Shipping (almost) no javascript appears to be key.
- International Travel Guide | Basecamp Employee Handbook Good advice how to prepare if you cross borders with company data on your devices.
- Why You Should Never Use MongoDB « Sarah Mei A project I'm working on comes to the similar conclusion or better, hits similar roadblocks.
- SleekDB - PHP NoSQL Flat File Database warning of document databases and then recommend SleekDB a flat file database based on json. 😎
- Fat-Free Framework for PHP There are some other Slim PHP Frameworks like Lumen or Siler but F3 just cut it for me.
- The web didn't change; you did - the new/old trend to just use the stuff that already worked 10 years ago.